Thursday, 20 July 2017

Where Have I Been On YouTube?

Hey guys,
I thought it was about time I explained to you all where I have been on my YouTube channel.
Let's say things got busier than I thought they would!
In the beginning I was absolutely loving making videos and honestly started thinking YouTube was taking up less time than blogging was. This definitely turned out not to be true.
I used to film my videos on an ipad and use an app to edit all of them. This started to take more and more of my time up. I didn't mind this, however it didn't go well with the levels of college work I also had to be doing.
It became too much work to be able to juggle both. I was also abandoning my blog because of it, which I really didn't want to be doing.

I decided, not only for the sake of my college work, but also because of my blog, to pause my YouTube channel for now.  I am for sure not saying I am 'quitting' YouTube.
For now my main priorities are college work and growing my blog.

Speak soon my lovelies.
Meg x


  1. I love how we're both called Meg and have blogs and YouTube channels ahahaha! I have also 'paused' my channel because it has proven to be too much for me at the moment and I wanted to do it properly by saving up for a camera and some decent lighting but I'm not in a position to do that at the moment so, hopefully, some time in the future, that will change!

    Meg x |

    1. Arww that is awesome! I really hope you manage to achieve you're goals with YouTube.
      Meg x


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