Saturday, 30 January 2016

First blog of 2016!

Hey guys,
So this is my first blog post of 2016! That is mad. I can't believe we are nearly a whole month into the New Year! In some ways Christmas and New year seems like it was just yesterday and in other ways it feels like it was a lifetime ago.
It's been very busy getting back into everything after the festive break - hence why this is my first blog post of 2016.
I must say though I was actually ready to get back into the routine of everything. Don't get me wrong, I had a wonderful time off with my amazing family and friends but I do believe things come to a point where you look at it and say 'yeah I've had a great time but now I'm ready to get back to a bit of normality' which I think is totally normal and also quite healthy! Having said this there were days when I got back and thought to myself 'wow I wish I was still on a break!'

This week I managed to pick up the January bug going round. Being ill this time made me realise how bad I am at not getting to see anyone and not being out doing things.
I did try and make myself feel better though by ordering some new clothes online which was exciting when they arrived! I'll add tem into my next blog - January sales haul, so look out for a bit of this appearing in the next blog.

With it being a New Year an' all, it got me thinking of what I wanted to do in 2016.
One big thing for me is going into Manchester more. I'm not sure if you guys know but I'm a proud northerner to the bone! I don't get the opportunity to go into the city centre much unfortunately. I absolutely love the shopping there, so I'm determined to get up there more this year.
One big goal of mine for 2016 is to build up my blog more and put a wider content range up. I'm hoping to do more travelling this year so I'm looking forward to doing travel blogs.
Let me know in the comments some things you want to do/achieve in 2016.
Anyway guys, I'm going to stop rambling now. Have a wonderful weekend. Speak soon!
Meg x

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