Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Sleeve Experiment

It's getting closer and closer to deadline day and I am still figuring out what sleeve I am having on my garment. It's all okay though as I still have plenty of time! 
I have experimented with a few sleeve styles, however I am definitely getting closer to my end result! My latest experiments this week (along with STILL being ill!!!) have definitely improved on my other experiments. 

Using grey shoulder pads as my base, I covered them in the fabric I am using in my garment. I folded the material the whole way around the shoulder pad to create this shape - 
These were the shoulder pads I used and covered -

I then tried a few different ways of styling it on the garment. This was my first attempt - 
I then decided I didn't like this style was not what I wanted on my design and I could create something so much better.
I felt this design for the sleeve looked simple and wouldn't be a practical sleeve as the bottom piece would get pushed down by the wearers arm.

This is when I came up with m final sleeve design -
I decided to try building the shapes up to create a bigger shoulder pad, similar to what I had in my original design drawings.
I am planning on them having a slightly different shape once I have sewn them to the garment to make them stand out more.

Speak soon,
Meg x

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