Monday, 1 January 2018

New Year New Mantras

Happy New Year everyone!
I, along with a fair few others, have already put a big long paragraph on my social medias telling everyone to rock 2018 and how I hope it's one of the best years so far. SO I won't bore you all by doing exactly the same on here too. Instead I am going to talk to you about some of my new mantras.
I have discovered two things which are becoming a slight life saver for myself.
The first, I discovered just over a year ago, YOGA! I have fallen slightly in love with yoga. I love how it makes me feel both physically and mentally. Some of it is such simple movement yet so affective.
I began loving it so much that I asked for a yoga book for Christmas so I could have all the different moves lay out in front of me AND so I am able to learn more about yoga. I believe it is such an amazing thing to keep your body young and feeling amazing. It is definitely something that works for myself!
As you can see by the picture, my other 'new thing' is mindfulness. This has been a little bit of a godsend for me during the past couple of months. If you are a regular round here, you might have seen me talking about mindfulness in a previous post and how in love I had become with it!
I was super determined to learn more about mindfulness and become totally absorbed in the craze. I am so happy I made the choice. I find it can almost be like being on a totally different planet Using mindfulness has made me feel so much better in certain situations. It is definitely something I will carry with me for a long time.

There are other fairly large and some smaller goals I have for 2018, however I think I might keep quiet about them for now.
Leave a comment letting me know if you have any goals for this year and what they are! I always love hearing about other peoples ambitions and goals in life.

Don't forget to say come say hey over on my social media platforms -
Instagram - headtotoegoodtogo
Twitter - meg_fleet
Facebook - Head To Toe Good To Go

Speak soon,
Meg x

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